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Ocean Gold White Gold Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl

Ocean Gold White Gold Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl

Ocean Gold

The Ocean 24K Gold Bowl combines a Neptunian pearl-like waveform with bubbly, playful dolphin pod energies that encourage loving communication. This bowl can enhance the immune system and activate the thymus gland. The "We Are One" throat chakra knowing promotes shared leadership and teamwork. Yang frequencies of gold and water elementals create love, balance, self-realization and attunement with nature's healing forces. The communicative, happy frequencies of our cetacean friends are the essence of the Ocean 24K Gold Bowl - a remarkable sonic tool for mastering the art of flow.


White Gold Alchemy 

The master healer energies of Gold work powerfully with the Solar Plexus, enhancing self-esteem, artistic expression and prosperity resulting in a frequency that enhances self-confidence. Pure Etherion Gold frequencies dance through our White Gold bowl with surreal fairy-like energies of imagination, creativity and Inner Child overtones of joy and transformation. A chiffon-like blend of yellow and white gold unites with quantum-leap quartz crystal for a softer, subtler yet higher frequency that enhances self-confidence.

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