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Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Practitioner (QACBP02)

Sound Healing Course - Level 2

Facilitated by Yantara Jiro

Sound Medicine is a fast growing practice towards an integrative approach of holistic healing. Sound Healing practitioners are not only equipped with the knowledge of using Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls for themselves and their clients, but also study how to tap into the Quantum World of applying expanded view and new thinking patterns on Sound Medicine. 

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This two days course provides further knowledge and application on using what we have learnt on notes and chakras to now combine with the elements associated with the alchemy bowls for advancing your sound medicine work.

Each alchemy bowl has its unique frequencies and energy qualities. Its permutations on what each bowl can do in terms of energy influence are infinite. Learn how to tap into using the alchemy energies of the bowl to connect with Quantum Field. Explore deeper into the secrets of the alchemy element properties of the crystal singing bowls, unveil the holographic field and receive valuable data and messages from the morphogenetic (information) field.

Yantara will share further about the Endocrine System and the acoustic relationship using the alchemy bowls. Students will learn how to use emotional bridging techniques through guided meditation and the power of positive statements to shift energies with alchemy bowls that you can incorporate into your day to day life and with your clients.

By end of level 2 course, students will be able to utilise the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls to access the Quantum World. Students are also able to tap into the vast knowledge and energetic functions of the alchemy bowls by tuning into them.

New Course Structure


Two Day Course (ONLINE course)

  • For both theory and practical classes will be taught online. More details will be shared soon. 



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Course pricing: 


If you already have a Crystal Tones Alchemy Singing Bowl purchased with us:​

  • Workshop fee: USD $1,100

If you are joining with a Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl not purchased with us:​

  • Workshop fee: USD $1,340

*Please note*


It is compulsory to own at least one Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl to take part in the course. If you would like to purchase a bowl from us please get in touch. 


The student is required to complete the in-person day in the same country where they signed up. Once you have registered for the course, an invoice will be sent for payment, on receipt of payment your booking will be confirmed.


Upon completing Level 2, you may apply for our Level 3 course if you're interested. 


Course is registered by the CMA - Complementary Medical Association. 

Students must pass the Course Exam with minimum 80% and above (multiple-choice questions) to receive a certificate of completion from Sound Universe International. 






*For our cancellation policy please read our full terms and conditions here.


“Yantara Jiro is such a pleasure to study with. A meticulous mystic who is well educated in the sciences as well as eastern philosophies, and the religious, metaphysical and esoteric realms. Yantara is the embodiment of love and kindness, full of laughter and joy. His curiosity and endless energy is what makes him such an inspiring teacher and mentor. He is fully grounded while being absolutely connected to vast unknown that surrounds us. I have studied with Yantara in England for two years now in energy work, as well as techniques and philosophies of Sound Healing, it been totally worth crossing the ocean to attend these courses.”


~Paula Now of Sound * Light * Journey, Sound Meditation and Reiki Practitioner.




  • How are the Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls Quantum?

  • What is Coherence & how to establish a connection with your alchemy bowls

  • The energetic qualities of precious elements and how they support the energy body

  • The intricate relationships between chakras and organs

  • Beyond the Intellect, into the Heart Brain and Gut Brain

  • What is a soundscape and how to create one?

  • Learn about creating binaural beats with your alchemy bowls

  • How to create major and minor chords


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  • Heart Coherence Meditation with your alchemy bowls

  • Learn about the energy permutations of your alchemy bowls and how it affects consciousness

  • Tuning the Endocrine System and Chakras

  • Adding frequencies back into the body to generate greater energy flow

  • Working with simple and healing musical chords

  • Create an acoustic sound journey with creative techniques

  • How to perform guided ‘Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Meditations’

  • How to prepare a proper sound session

  • Self-Evaluation and Professionalism

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